What Make You Thirsty?
Why is it so hard for some to stay on track
I was thinking about what is it the attributes makes some people very good at something. Why they can do incredible things and be so self-motivated compare to thousands of who give up at the first couple of miles.
It could sound silly but I remember when I was studying for a test which I liked the subject. That was not a sacrifice to me, I liked it! I could get very good grades when most of my friends failed. When we were doing study groups they were done for the night and pushed the notebooks away, while I was still going ahead.
Finding what will catch your interest is the clue for happiness.
I’m not just talking about motivation but about discovering something that you are really into and you will be able to dive deep and become fearless.
It will be like a switch, definitely the dozing mode for the awake one. Living and feeling every moment as they should be.
I’m almost forgetting about talking about the inertia. As in physics, it works in our minds in the same way: Starting something, changing direction, stopping, and doing something we’ve been doing for a long time.
In order for this great event to unravel, we’re going to need some extra force for this change to happen. In physics, it would be an engine (giving movement to a reposed body) or the friction (stopping a body movement). In real life that extra force is the voice of your friend or family. I know it doesn’t sound like a cool thing. It can suck being advised by someone. We want to be drivers of our life and listening to advise sometimes is a tough task.
It would be great if that extra force could come from within ourselves. Finding something that we never — OK, never is a little bit too much — are going to be sick off, may seem like an unreachable goal. Self-knowledge is what makes this seeking possible. And how to get it? Easy! No, it’s not easy at all: Some people spend all their lives trying to discover the purpose of their lives.
We’re always changing, people surround us are changing, the weather is changing, the world is changing, resuming: Everything is changing all the time, so why should I stay with the same tastes?